About GeosRock Exploration

GeosRock Exploration Pty Ltd. takes pride in providing field and reporting services to Qualified Professional standards.

With over 25 years experience on 5 continents specializing in gold, base and platinum group metals and diamonds exploration and development, GeosRock has a proven track record of effective and efficient project management. Check out our Projects page.
Currently based in Proserpine, QLD, Australia with offices located in Toronto, Canada.
GeosRock has an extended network of trusted associates and contractors ready to take on any or all aspects of your project with care and diligence.
Geology is really something you have to study in the field.

We provide effective solutions to your exploration program.

GeosRock takes your project needs and budget into account and provides effective solutions to your exploration program.

We always deliver exceptional and sustainable outcomes for all our clients.

GeosRock Exploration Pty Ltd. is committed to providing viable and effective professional geological exploration and development services with adaptive innovation and rock solid integrity.
Providing excellence in exploration.

Forward thinking exploration that delivers collaborative and inclusive work environment that enables the team to grow and make new discoveries.